Literatur: EuGH, 26.02.1986 - 152/84
Externe Literatur
- Arnull, Anthony: The Incoming Tide: Responding to Marshall, Public Law 1987 p.383-389
- Atkins, Susan: Equal Treatment and Retirement Age, The Modern Law Review 1986 p.508-513
- Bates, Jane D.N.: Sex Discrimination and Retirement: Two Recent Decisions of the European Court of Justice, Public Law 1986 p.537-546
- Bertrand, Véronique: A propos de l'arrêt Marshall II: L'effet direct des directives et la sanction de la violation de la règle d'égalité entre hommes et femmes, Journal des tribunaux / droit européen 1993 p.57-58
- Campbell, A.I.L.: EEC Law. Retirement Ages and the Effect of Directives, The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland 1986 p.280-282
- Campbell, A.I.L.: Equal Pay and Equal Treatment, The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland 1986 p.24
- Capelli, Fausto: La direttiva comunitaria : da atto (quasi) normativo a strumento di pressione politica, Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali 1987 p.98-104
- Coppel, Jason: Rights, Duties and the End of Marshall, The Modern Law Review 1994 p.859-879
- Čorba, Juraj: Rozsudok "Marshall", Vyber z rozhodnutí Súdneho dvora Európskych spolocenstiev 2005 p.44
- De Vos, Dominique: L'âge de la retraite : une condition de travail très particulière, Journal des tribunaux du travail 1989 p.1-6 + p.17-23 + p.33-40
- Foster, Nigel: Equal Treatment and Retirement Ages, European Law Review 1986 p.228-229
- Greenwood, Christopher: Directives. Time to retire, The Cambridge Law Journal 1987 p.9-12
- Grief, Nicolas: Retirement Ages, Sex Discrimination and EEC Law, The Industrial Law Journal 1986 p.187-190
- Jacobs, A.T.J.M.: Gelijke behandeling mannen en vrouwen ook bij pensionering, Sociaal recht 1986 p.51-53
- Millett, Timothy: European Community Law: Sex Equality and Retirement Age, International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1986 p.616-633
- Morris, P.E.: CEE Directives and the State, European Business Law Review 1991 p.34-36 + p.45
- Nicolaysen, Gert: Keine horizontale Wirkung von Richtlinien-Bestimmungen, Europarecht 1986 p.370-371
- Oppenheimer, Andrew: The Relationship between European Community Law and National Law: The Cases 1994 p.165-166
- Prechal, Sacha: Rechtspraak vrouwen en recht in 231 uitspraken en annotaties 1992 p.451-456
- Prechal, Sacha: Remedies after Marshall, Common Market Law Review 1990 p.451-473
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- Richter, Stefan: Die unmittelbare Wirkung von EG-Richtlinien zu Lasten einzelner, Europarecht 1988 p.394-404
- Scarborough, Robert: Directives and the Doctrine of Direct Effect: A Critique of Marshall v. Southampton Area Health Authority, The University of Chicago Legal Forum 1992 p.315-333
- Spink, Paul: Direct Effect: The Boundaries of the State, The Law Quarterly Review 1997 p.524-529
- Szwarc-Kuczer, Monika: Zasada bezpośredniej skuteczności prawa wspólnotowego - wprowadzenie i wyrok ETS z 26.02.1986 r. w * sprawie 152/84 M. H. Marshall przeciwko Southampton and South-West Hampshire Area Health Authority (Teaching), Europejski Przegląd Sądowy 2007 Vol. 5 p.48-49
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