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Solomonic launches Competition Module in partnership with Linklaters

Fr, 19.04.2024 - 10:26

The UK’s leading data-powered litigation intelligence platform, Solomonic, has launched its Competition Appeal Tribunal analytics offering in partnership with Linklaters. The release forms part of Solomonic’s newly unveiled Competition Module.

The module was developed in close collaboration with Linklaters’ market-leading competition litigation team.

Sarina Williams, Partner at Linklaters, commented:

“Our competition litigation team is thrilled that Solomonic’s powerful platform now includes CAT cases. The insights provided by this module are the most extensive available in the market, offering an additional layer of understanding that practitioners in the market will find invaluable.”

Ben Ball, Managing Associate at Linklaters, added:

“It has been great to work so closely with Solomonic on constructing this module. The module is incredibly valuable and timely as the CAT is leading the charge on some of the most novel and interesting cases in the UK. It will serve as a powerful tool, enabling all practitioners to conduct research and track market trends with ease.”

The Competition Module is now available and accessible to thousands of existing Solomonic users, offering them the ability to track newly filed claims and ongoing court proceedings. This module provides a fresh oversight into competition matters, enabling users to stay on top of developments in the CAT and to harness key intelligence. Additionally, the module reveals the dominant players in terms of client preferences for law firms and economists.

Solomonic’s CEO, Edward Bird, commented:

“Thanks to our partnership with Linklaters, our competition litigation dataset delivers the same high standard of insight of our core commercial modules. As expected, the analytics deliver new insights into essential trends and legal areas for practitioners and their clients. We are out of the foothills of inaccessible, unstructured and uninformative litigation data, Solomonic is arming leading organisations with data that significantly ups the ante and adds a new level of firepower to any litigator’s armoury.”

Linklaters and Solomonic are also teaming up to host an upcoming London International Disputes Week panel that will unpack some of the data on CAT cases revealed by the new module. The panel includes leading competition experts Sarina Williams (Linklaters), Gus Sellitto (Byfield Reputation Counsel) and Robert O’Donoghue KC (Brick Court Chambers), who will explore the impact the Competition Appeal Tribunal has had on competition disputes, given the growth of collective actions and the significant impact these claims can have on the reputations of the parties involved.

Register here.

Linklaters Announces New National Managing Partners for Poland

Di, 16.04.2024 - 13:00

Linklaters, a leading global law firm, is proud to announce the appointment of Janusz Dzianachowski and Marcin Schulz as the new National Managing Partners for its operations in Poland, effective from 1 April 2024. They succeed Artur Kulawski, who has been at the heart of the firm's growth and success in Poland for the last 12 years.

Both Janusz and Marcin began at Linklaters and have advanced through all of the stages of their careers, demonstrating their deep commitment and understanding of the firm's culture and aspirations. Their combined strengths present formidable leadership for Linklaters in Poland.

Reflecting on his tenure, Artur Kulawski shared:

"It has been an honor to lead such a dedicated team of professionals and contribute to Linklaters' remarkable journey in Poland. I am confident that Janusz and Marcin will continue to uphold our values of excellence and innovation, driving the firm to new heights."

Janusz Dzianachowski, who has been with Linklaters for almost 20 years, stated:

"I am thrilled to take on this new challenge alongside Marcin. Our collective experience and commitment to the firm's values position us well to lead our talented team and serve our clients with the unparalleled expertise they expect from Linklaters."

Marcin Schulz, with over 20 years of experience at the firm, added:

"It's a privilege to step into this role and build on the strong foundation that Artur has established. Janusz and I are eager to lead Linklaters Warsaw into its next chapter of growth and success."

With extensive experience and proven track records within the legal industry, both are perfectly positioned to steer the Polish office of Linklaters towards continued success. Their appointment reflects Linklaters' commitment to fostering leadership talent and ensuring the highest standards of service for clients.

Linklaters announces partnership with European Women on Boards to foster gender diversity in leadership

Mi, 03.04.2024 - 12:00

Linklaters is proud to announce its partnership with European Women on Boards (EWOB), a pivotal step in its ongoing commitment to promoting gender diversity and supporting the advancement of qualified women in leadership roles.

EWOB is a European non-profit association based in Brussels. Since its foundation in 2013, EWOB has been committed to advancing gender equality in decision-making roles across Europe.

The organization actively supports women and their career aspirations by providing professional development programs, international networking opportunities, and monthly events to its international community of women leaders. EWOB also champions change across Europe through research and advocacy in collaboration with local partners and European institutions.

Linklaters is particularly proud to support the participation of two women from underrepresented backgrounds in EWOB’s C-Level Program. Linklaters will also be actively contributing to the content of the training program through the facilitation of a legal workshop. The EWOB C-Level Program is designed to support senior female leaders in keeping pace with contemporary leadership challenges while connecting with other professionals facing similar challenges.

The partnership between Linklaters and EWOB represents a shared vision for a more diverse and inclusive corporate environment.

Anne-Sophie Vankemmelbeke, Partner at Linklaters, comments:

"At Linklaters, we recognize that empowering women to take on leadership roles is not just about social responsibility—it's about business excellence. Our collaboration with European Women on Boards is a strategic investment in the diverse talent that will shape the future of global business. By enabling access to EWOB's C-Level Program, we are helping to dismantle barriers and build a robust pipeline of female leaders ready to take on tomorrow's challenges."

Jennifer Granado Aranzana, Managing Associate at Linklaters, comments:

"Diversity in the boardroom isn't just a metric — it's a catalyst for innovation and success. Our support of the European Women on Boards initiative is a clear demonstration of Linklaters' commitment to creating a more inclusive leadership culture within the corporate world. We're not just talking about change; we're actively participating in the movement to elevate qualified women to where they can make a significant impact."

Linklaters' sponsorship of EWOB is a reflection of the firm's deep-rooted belief in equal opportunities and its dedication to creating pathways for women to succeed at the highest levels of business leadership. 

For more information, please contact Anne-Sophie Vankemmelbeke and Jennifer Granado Aranzana.